What is the AVCA Approved Vendor Program?

The AVCA Approved Vendor Program for Resellers is a process by which consumers of vaping products in New Zealand can be guaranteed that the vendors in the program agree to conform to the guidelines set out in the AVCA Approved Vendors – Resellers– Memorandum of Understanding.

How does it work?

The NZ Vendors below guarantee that the products that they sell are of the highest quality, both equipment and e-liquid, and agree to fully support both the items they sell and the consumers who purchase them.  All the vendors  have been in business, legitimately, for one year at minimum in order to be eligible for the program.   

The following Vendors are already signed on to the program:

 If you would like more information, you can email one of us:  Steve or Nancy.

Nancy Sutthoff
Nancy comes from a diverse administrative background that includes surgical research administration, teaching (primary and tertiary level), executive administration and community property management. For over 15 years she has been very active in community advocacy with youth, lower income folk needing advocacy and now, vaping advocacy. She brings a wealth of scientific, medical and research administrative/management knowledge with her to her role as CEO/Director at AVCA.